Two days of Parties!
She loves balloons. I've been telling her for months when we see balloons at the grocery store that she can have them on her birthday. So I tied all these balloons to her high chair to surprise her when she woke up.

She was mesmerized! Kept saying "Baaa-ooon!" over and over. She loved it.

We found that she also loved the candle on the cake. I love that these pictures were taken by Christina. She captured the moment fabulously and really did a great job!

Emily and her rocking ladybug from Grandma and Grandpa.

Emily and her Millie Doll. Very special gift!

Emily enjoying all her great toys from Grammy! All the "noise" toys were a big hit with the kids!

Emily and her buddy, Erin. Erin just LOVES watching out for Baby Emily, "Because I love her." Too cute.

Had a bath after presents and before bed.

The next day, Em went for a swim in her pool in the yard. Marty kept taking toys out of the pool while Em was in. He went in for the plunge when it was empty. Here you see her "fishy face" and her stylish two piece (Thanks Grammy!).

Big Sister came home on Sunday, and posed for a great picture with her little sister and Aunt Mary.

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