Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Three week update

Does she look bigger?

Emily is now three weeks old and sleeping through the night - about 6 hours. She's more alert during the day - which means more fussy periods for now. She's just about outgrown her newborn sized diapers and clothes. The 0-3 month outfits are fitting better now, except those with pants. The elastic waistbands are too big for this skinny mini and they fall right off her when I pick her up! We visit her doctor again tomorrow to see how she is gaining weight and determine whether or not just nursing her is enough.

Here she is in her car seat at the kitchen table, so Mommy and Daddy can eat dinner. She loves the Little Einstein toy attached to the top... she watches the fish.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Think the dog is attached?

Emily had a shot at the doctor today. Sadie won't leave her side because she's feeling lousy.

Emily weighed in at 6 lb 11 oz. Doctor wasn't concerned that we have to wake her to feed her, or that she'll sleep through the night if I let her (he said to let her! YES!). We'll weigh her again next week to see if she gains back to her birth weight, and if not we'll talk about supplementing breast milk with formula.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Two weeks!

I can't believe she's two weeks old already!

Before our first walk through the neighborhood on Saturday.

Lounging around after a diaper change.

Squirming around

And making funny faces for Mommy!

I had my follow up appointment to check my incision today. All is fine - healing nicely. And I have dropped more pounds than what the baby weighed (which is what I expected)... was 217 (gulp!) when I delivered... down to 196 today. Woo hoo! And I got the green light to drive again! Double woo hoo!

Em has her 2 week appointment tomorrow - hopefully. The pediatrician's office called to say they had a power outage and to call before going to her appointment. I'm hoping she's gained enough weight that I can let her sleep through the night. Everyone would be much happier if we didn't have to wake her up every 2-3 hours to nurse.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We got to spend Father's Day weekend not only with Dad having two girls, but with Grumpy Dirk too!

Emily being tickled by her Grumpy

Emily being squirmy.

Grumpy and his girls!

A very serious Emily.

Mom, Dad and Emily - asleep and scrunched up.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Big Sister's Variety Show

Big Sis had her school variety show last night. She did a gymnastics/dance routine to "Lean on Me".

We had a close friend offer to watch Baby Sis while we all went - me, Dad and Grandma S- to Big Sis' show at the school.

Here are some pictures from the show... Big Sis did a great job! I apologize that these aren't the best quality pictures.

And Baby Sis at home with her first baby sitter. She slept the entire time.

Baby Sister is here!

After trying to be induced during severe thunderstorms and even tornadoes, Emily Elizabeth arrived on 6/4/08 via C-Section at 8:44 pm. She weighed 7 lbs and measured 19 3/4 inches.

I don't have much time before she's ready to eat again, but wanted to get started on posting some pictures.