Here are some pictures from Gen & Beau's wedding (Emily was the flower girl) and 4th of July!Checking out the hotel room. She insisted it was a castle, since it was a high-rise building.

At the aquarium. She LOVED it.

She kept pointing at each fish and yelling "NEMO!"

Dude turtles.

Sharks at the aquarium. She kept saying "Bruuuuuuuce"... She's confused Springsteen with Bruce the Shark in Nemo. "Fish Friends! No Food!"

At rehearsal.... she nailed it!

Emily hits it off with the groom's family!

So grown up!

Big Sis giving little Sis a ride home from the rehearsal dinner.

Fish face mandatory when watching Nemo, I guess.

Chilling out at the hotel before the wedding.

Riding on the bus to the golf course. This was her favorite part of the day. Cried when it was time to get off the bus.


She practiced by picking buds off bushes and throwing the petals on the ground.

Aftermath. There are some angry groundskeepers at the golf course.

Emmy and her Godmother, Gen. What a beautiful bride!

The Wedding party

Flower Girl in action! Sadly, no shot (that I've seen yet) of her throwing the flower basket at the groom's feet.

Immediately post-ceremony

Chilling out now that her duties are done.

Bride and flower girl

Big Sis dancing with Little Sis

Sisters at the Wedding!

Ready for parade!

The yearly flag photo.

All the VE's

Swimming at the Clancy's between parade and fireworks. The goggles make her "special".

"I'm ready for fireworks!"

Watching "booms in the sky" with Grammy

Swim date with Grumpy at Uncle Ponz's pool!

"HEEEERE ALLIE!" playing with the dog.

Swimming with Grammy!